Stakeholder Information

GEroNIMO is a multi-actor approach project which would create a Stakeholders’ Community will that will include European level stakeholders represented by a Stakeholders Advisory Board (SAB) and regional level Stakeholders in the 11 participating countries, through Regional Stakeholders’ Communities (RSC).

The aim of these Regional Stakeholders’ Communities is to share knowledge and experience in the field of breeding monogastric livestock. Twenty-one partners from eleven European countries work together in this project and want to give to the whole GEroNIMO value chain (animal professionals, researchers, breeding industry, breeders’ representatives, biodiversity conservation organisations, food chain related actors including consumer representatives and decision-makers) the opportunity to exchange questions, ideas and experiences across the borders. This will be done mainly by organizing different activities such as surveys, trainings, webinars, and focus groups through the project lifetime.

The creation of this Regional Communities will facilitate the implementation of the multi-actor approach ensuring active stakeholders involvement in the work planning and execution, as well as in the transfer of tools, knowledge and recommendations to relevant audiences and decision-makers. Each RSC will be composed of a balanced representation of these key actors in designated countries and will facilitate dialogue and discussion.

 GEroNIMO Regional Stakeholders Community profiles expected:

  • Animal professionals (breeders, veterinarians, advisors…)

  • Industry

  • Policy-makers

  • Scientists (Geneticists, Animal scientists, social scientists, ethicits…)

  • Biodiversity conservation organizations

Why it is interesting for you to join?

By joining our GEroNIMO stakeholder’s community you will be benefit from a privileged access to the private section of the GEroNIMO website regularly updated with relevant documents and results. You will also have the opportunity to participate on the different activities carry out during the project lifetime.

On the below map you can see the different activities planned for the project.

The surveys for the Selection and management schemes for local breeds (Task 3.1) which will develop surveys to Local Breeders and Breeders' associations at France, Portugal, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Spain.

Interviews with Local Breeders and Breeders' associations at France, Germany, Netherlands and Slovenia to Explore the importance of cultural and national/ regional differences (Task5.2).

Joint meetings and exchange of staff Experts in social science and ethics and those in genetics and animal breeding at EU Level to develop a Genome Editing social an ethics perspective (Task5.3).

Local Workshops with Researchers, breeding companies, governments and regulatory bodies at EU Level to develop tools for monitoring genome innovations (Task5.4).

EU Workshop for Postgraduate students, researchers and animal breeders at Eu level about Bioinformatics and Statistics coordination (WP1-WP4).

Training (staff or breeding companies, stakeholders of egg industry and local breeders).

Training to disseminate the methods developed for the use of epigenetics
information in population genomics.

Other workshops/roundtable (additional to those planned) with the intention of covering potential gaps (for instance in terms of stakeholders profiles not sufficiently covered, knowledge gaps, and mainly regions not covered).

Join our Stakeholder’s Community